Saturday, June 16, 2012

Once Upon a Time: A Bunny Saga

Once upon a time there was a bunny family....
Or that's how the story goes.  This happens every year in my garden.  I'm watering my beds, in the late afternoon, and suddenly 3 or 4 of the tiniest little bunnies scatter around the yard.  There is usually some sort of bunny activity before this happens that indicates that there is a nest somewhere (usually taking the form of a giant hole in my lawn), but inevitably the bunnies will scatter.  I usually try to protect them from various threats, the road, neighborhood cats, the lawnmower....but then they disappear, probably coming back to my yard the next year to have more babies.

This year, I noticed a big hole in one of my large flower pots that houses an orange rose that I never got a chance to plant.  After the hole, came a layer of matted grass.  And that's when I knew what was happening.

 The route to the nest....My swiss chard seedlings.

Then....a few weeks ago, there was some suspicious bunny activity....

and then.....
I have named him Hop.  And the saga continues.....

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