Friday, August 17, 2012

Peaches and Raspberries, what a perfect pair!

It is that time of year again.  The time for picking bundles of berries and peaches at the local farms.  I venture out each year to enjoy the sunshine and the warm summer air, in search of the perfect fuzzy peach, and the biggest and tastiest raspberry I can find!  During this time of year, the fall raspberries are in season, and the yellow ones are my favorite.  They are a little more subtle than the red raspberries, but still full of flavor and sweetness.  I find large red raspberries and blackberries too as I wander up and down the rows.  The peaches are abundant, and their smell fills the warm air as I walk through the trees.  I am in search of the perfect fuzzy peach.  Orange and red, glistening in the sun.  But there are so many perfect ones.  I always leave with more than I intended, walking my way back down the path, past the rows and rows of corn.  I go to my car, so proud of my findings.

I love to use peaches and raspberries in drinks, in baking, and fresh over ice cream!  I also freeze my raspberries each year so that I can use them year round!

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